I was trying to discover what this blog was missing, all of a sudden it dawned on me, an interview with South Coast Hellman, Adam Quinn.
Here's a few words from Ads.
Here's a few words from Ads.
Bodyboarding today is...
Thick, mean, scary, underated, haha nar its skitz like literally. The bar is being raised so high these days with every session i witness, regardless if theres wigs out or local rippos.
Bodyboarding is heading towards...
Recession!!!!!! DOOM WORD! hopefully not, we dont really have the money in the sport to survive. However im a hopefull and optimistic kind of guy.
The most under-rated rippo is...
One of my best mates Ivan Pulic, pretty much unheard of despite "Outrageous Behaviour" and "Chicks" but yer he's on the Movement Board Test in Bali as i write this so he's starting to get more exposure which im super amped on.
I spend most of my days...
On msn/at uni/head in books studying to become a primary school teacher. Its pretty messed up coz im always so amped for waves but i kinda just have to let it go.
And most of my nights...
Eating fruit, delivering pizzas, listening to tunes.
IWouldn'tNormally is...
haha a movie on an extremely tight budget and filmed 90% at the banzaii pipeline.
I am listening to...
Fucked Up (sikest neo punk band out) and Eminem's new album (his lyrics are genius).
I am currently stoked on...
Pastiche - Brendon backshall section - sik song, best verts.
The sickest section on a boog vid is...
Jono Bruce (Visions 1) or maybe Ryan Hardy (Hardlyfe 1, Opening section)
The South Coast...
is so blessed with amazing waves its frikin ridiculous. we are that lucky.
The last time I thought it was all over was...
When i had a head on with some German tourists on Jervis Bay road.
The last surf I had was...
Pipe on tuesday surfed 6 hours... still sunburnt.
I last threw a punch because...
I was out me local t***** and saw some non locals (korrey smith) walking around the corner so belted a few into the water. Clickin!
And last but not least, www.brycegage.blogspot.com is...
my source for all things ullzy related - waves/babes/parties
Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman Over and Out.
Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman Over and Out.
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