Lately I've been lagging on the posts so I thought I had better gather up a few frames for you to sink your teeth into. These frames are from a couple of average sessions but fun none-the-less. I assume you all know Glen Thurston (Pictured in the top frame) but that other rippo popping the Jono-esque reverse back into the bowl is 21 year old Sammy Cuthbert. Keep your head tilted sky-ward because chances are he will be flying out of a crester near you in the not too distant future (Unless he's already gone into orbit, that is.) Liam Glass is also one to keep your eyes on, When he isn't isn't bailing on Year 9 Maths he can be found throwing his 40kg frame up and out as shown in that monster punt, alas that is only one of his many past-times amongst air reverses off nothing and washing his hair.